Wisdom Teeth Causing You Trouble? Five Indications That They Should Be Extracted

Our oral health deteriorates as we age. 

We lose our baby teeth as we get older, and our adult teeth slowly start to display.  

Then, as teens, we get perplexed by a dull discomfort in the back of our mouths and ponder why we can see the top of a huge tooth peeking through our gums.  

Wisdom teeth, despite their name, are rarely smart and can create disaster. It is quite unusual for someone's mouth to have enough room for these additional teeth without them pressing against neighbouring teeth and becoming trapped. So, as soon as you see them, schedule a dentist consultation to explore your alternatives. 

When you see Dr John Michalopoulos Dental for wisdom tooth assistance, our Sydney dentist will assess the risk of these teeth becoming troublesome and will recommend a procedure for removing them or try to create some additional space without the need for removal.  

But what damage can a set of additional teeth do? Is it truly worth it to remove them? 

Incorrect growth 

Incorrect growth is one of the most common issues our Sydney dentist sees in patients with emerging teeth called wisdom teeth.  

A normal tooth emerges in a straight line. Yet, the majority of wisdom teeth emerge at an abnormal angle, putting pressure on the surrounding teeth and causing swellings. 

If our Sydney dentist finds this problem in your freshly erupted wisdom teeth, removal is the best solution. 

Persuasion Under Your Gums 

When wisdom teeth develop correctly, they emerge directly behind your back molars. The brittle tooth material bursts through the gums as they develop, exerting tremendous pressure. Pressure is frequently described as a dull hurting or throbbing discomfort along the jawline, generally around the ears. Even when everything is going well, the procedure can be excruciatingly painful, making it impossible to detect if something is amiss. 

As a result, if you notice any gum pressure, you should consult with your dentist regarding a wisdom tooth extraction. They can examine you and take x-rays to evaluate the issue and decide whether extraction is essential.  

Jaw rigidity and Inflammation 

When there isn't enough space for the wisdom teeth to grow all the way in, they might get impacted and become caught on the back molars. This can also happen if your wisdom teeth don't come in properly.  


When this happens, jaw discomfort and stiffness are prevalent, making it difficult to chew, drink, and converse. At that time, your dentist will need to perform an x-ray to determine the location of your wisdom teeth and devise an appropriate treatment plan. 

Gum Infection 

Another symptom that there isn't sufficient space for the wisdom teeth to properly emerge is gum irritation. Wisdom teeth should completely burst through the gums into their ultimate position, lying at precisely the same height as your other molars, as they mature.  

If this does not occur, the partly erupted teeth begin to irritate and inflame the gums. Your gums may seem red, puffy, and inflamed around the impacted teeth.  

Sinus Problems 

Wisdom teeth impose pressure on the sinuses as they descend down toward their optimal location behind the back molars.  

If you have a sinus infection or your wisdom teeth become affected, the discomfort and pressure will certainly worsen, making it hard to relax. To avoid this scenario, consult your dentist in Sydney for the first symptom of soreness around your sinuses.   

Facial Swelling 

If your tooth or gums get infected, you will most likely experience face swelling. Although it varies, swelling normally impacts the side of the face where the troublesome wisdom tooth is placed. Any type of facial swelling should be reported to a dentist straight soon. Alternatively, the infection might spread to surrounding tissues and even your bloodstream. 


For a professional consultation to determine if your wisdom teeth require extraction, contact Dr John Michalopoulos DentalDr John Michalopoulos Dental today if you've noticed some changes in your mouth caused by your wisdom teeth. Through our many years of experience and industry knowledge, we strive to help our patients keep beautiful and healthy smiles. 



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