Pros & Cons of Dental Porcelain Veneers

There are very few people who are completely satisfied with the way they look. But when it comes to teeth, there are some easy ways to remedy their appearance. If you are not happy with the way that your teeth look – if they are broken, misshapen, discolored, or cannot be whitened you can opt for veneers to conceal these flaws and smile the way you always wanted. 

A big advantage of porcelain veneers is that these can be put in place in just two visits. However in some cases the teeth have to be reshaped. 

If you are thinking of getting a permanent solution for your teeth, this article will help you make an informed decision about your dental health and help you understand how you can get a picture-perfect smile. 

Pros of Porcelain Veneers 

There are many distinct types of cosmetic dental procedures, but veneers have several advantages over others. 

  • Veneers Hide Problems. 

There are a variety of dental procedures, from teeth whitening to straightening, that a dentist can perform to address various issues. However, some cases cannot be solved with these treatments. For example, whitening may lighten the color of your teeth, but it may not get rid of stains. 

Getting a porcelain veneer can cover up all the surfaces of your teeth, resulting in a completely different and much brighter smile. Veneers can also perform a better job restoring the brightness of your teeth and retaining your healthy smile for years. 

  • Choice of Materials 

You may find it shocking, but unlike other cosmetic procedures, you can choose which material you want as a veneer. It can be either porcelain or composite resin.  

Porcelain veneers in Sydney are far more attractive, durable, stain-resistant, glossy, and natural-looking than composite resin. While porcelain veneers can be more expensive than composite resin, porcelain tends to be more durable. 

  • Versatility 

Veneers are incredibly versatile; they can easily cover up stains and discoloration. They can manage cracks and chips and even provide a new shape to your old, misshapen, or crooked teeth. They can replace caps or crowns, allow for minor tooth straightening, and teeth whitening, vastly improving your smile.  

Cons Of Porcelain Veneers 

While veneers have plenty of benefits, they have some disadvantages as well. For most people, the benefits greatly outweigh their drawbacks. 

  • Relatively Short Lifespan 

Compared to bridges and dental crowns, veneers have a shorter lifespan. 

  • Tooth Sensitivity 

When enamel is removed, teeth may become more sensitive to temperature. Enamel shields teeth from hot and cold. 

  • Veneers are Permanent 

A thin layer of enamel must be removed to provide more room for dental veneers; this process cannot be reversed because there is no way to reapply the enamel once it has been removed. 

  • Susceptible to Damage 

Veneers thinner than regular teeth and more prone to damage or cracking. 

  • More Costly than Whitening 

The best veneers are more expensive than a tooth whitening service or other cosmetic dental procedures. 

Looking for Excellent Dental Service in Sydney 

If our article has helped you decide to get a porcelain veneer in Sydney, now you need to figure out where to go. Make an appointment with John Michalopoulos Dental. Our team of professional dentists provides you with all kinds of information regarding veneers.  


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