
Taking Care of Your Teeth With Invisalign Braces Taking Care of Your Teeth with Invisalign Braces

Did you know that international celebrities , from Oprah Winfrey to Justin Bieber, have used Invisalign braces?   Why wouldn’t they? Invisalign Braces discreetly give your sm ile the fix it need s, whereas traditional metal b races are visible and change your look drastically for some time.    Invisalign is a relatively new treat ment as compared to metal braces, but it is already gaining popularity, especially among Australian adults.    So why is Invisalign so popular , and how can you take care of your teeth using it ?   Your Appearance Matters   Your appearance matters. However, it does not matter to others as much as it does to you. People who try to look good tend to feel better about themselves. When you put in the effort for your appearance it is a sublime sign that you are taking care of yourself. However , if you aren’t happy with your smile but don’t want to get treatment because of the way metal braces look, then Invisalign is the solution.    Invisalign br

Caring for Your New Smile Maintenance Tips for Veneers

  Congratulations! You've taken a significant step towards achieving that dazzling, picture-perfect smile with your new veneers. But , like most precious things in life, they require some love and care to keep them looking their best. Here's how to make sure your smile remains as brilliant as the day you got your Porcelain Veneers in cities like Sydney .   1. Understand What Veneers Are:   Veneers are thin porcelain shells, custom-made to fit over the front surface of a tooth. They're used to fix a myriad of dental issues, from discolouration to misalignment. Because they're bonded directly onto your teeth, they become a semi-permanent part of your smile. Hence, taking care of them is paramount.   2. Daily Oral Hygiene:   Brushing : Use a non-abrasive toothpaste and a so ft-bristled toothbrush. Brush gently in a circular motion to avoid putting undue pressure on the veneers. It's recommended to brush at least twice a day.   Flossing : Floss daily. This wil